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Here you’ll find cycles that most professionals agree are great for beginners, intermediate and advanced. Check them out… They are a good guide for how to Bulk and Cut. Scroll down to see all of our cycle recommendations.

Click The Menu below Jump To Cycles (or scroll down):

Are You New To Steroids?

Learn about what Beginners, Bulking, and Cutting cycles are.

Beginner's Cycles

This is your basic Beginners Cycle, comprised entirely of testosterone. Not only will you get more muscular on this cycle, but you will learn how your body reacts to endogenous amounts of testosterone.
  1. Week
    Testosterone (Enanthate or Cypionate)
    1 500mgs
    2 500mgs
    3 500mgs
    4 500mgs
    5 500mgs
    6 500mgs
    7 500mgs
    8 500mgs
    9 500mgs
    10 500mgs
    11 500mgs
    12 500mgs
This is the same cycle as the one above, but I’ve included Dianabol at a low(ish) does at the beginning, so you’ll start seeing results almost immediately.
  1. Week
    Testosterone (Enanthate or Cypionate)
    1 500mgs 20mgs/day
    2 500mgs 20mgs/day
    3 500mgs 20mgs/day
    4 500mgs 20mgs/day
    5 500mgs
    6 500mgs
    7 500mgs
    8 500mgs
    9 500mgs
    10 500mgs
    11 500mgs
    12 500mgs

Great Beginner's Cycle Products

Bulking Cycles

This cycle is for those who have done two previous cycles (hopefully the ones above). For those looking to add more weight, Deca would be the appropriate choice here. For those looking to add more lean weight, Eq would be more appropriate.
  1. Week
    Testosterone (Enanthate or Cypionate)
    Deca-Durabolin -or- Equipoise
    1 500mgs 400mgs 20mgs/day
    2 500mgs 400mgs 20mgs/day
    3 500mgs 400mgs 20mgs/day
    4 500mgs 400mgs 20mgs/day
    5 500mgs 400mgs
    6 500mgs 400mgs
    7 500mgs 400mgs
    8 500mgs 400mgs
    9 500mgs 400mgs
    10 500mgs 400mgs
    14 500mgs 400mgs
    12 500mgs 400mgs
    13 500mgs
Keep some Letrozole or Arimidex on hand for this cycle, if gynocomastia symptoms develop. This is a very potent bulking cycle, and should be good for a 20lb+ gain even in advanced users.
  1. Week
    Testosterone (Enanthate or Cypionate)
    1 750mgs 500mgs 50mgs/day
    2 750mgs 500mgs 50mgs/day
    3 750mgs 500mgs 50mgs/day
    4 750mgs 500mgs 50mgs/day
    5 750mgs 500mgs 50mgs/day
    6 750mgs 500mgs 50mgs/day
    7 750mgs 500mgs
    8 750mgs 500mgs
    9 750mgs 500mgs
    10 750mgs 500mgs
    11 750mgs 500mgs
    12 750mgs 500mgs

Great Bulking Cycle Products

Cutting Cycles

This cycle is for those who have a decent amount of mass already, and wish to refine it. Weight gains will be minimal, but with a proper diet and training (Cardio and Weights), single digit body fat levels should be attainable if you are not too sloppy. Many will disagree with the inclusion of a 17aa like Winstrol for this long, and certainly you can do 1⁄2 of the cycle with Winstrol, and 1⁄2 with Tren, or mix and match. I’ve done it both ways and either works fine.
  1. Week
    Testosterone Proprionate
    Winstrol/Stanozolol (injectable) -or- Trenbolone Acetate


    1100mgs/Every Other Day (EOD)100mgs/Every Other Day (EOD)40mgs/day



Keep some Letrozole or Arimidex on hand, and use it if gyno symptoms begin…this cycle is what I consider to be the “perfect” cutting cycle. If you start no higher than 15%bodyfat, and you keep your diet and training in check, you will easily get into single digits.

  1. Week

    Testosterone Proprionate


    Winstrol (oral)


    1 75mgs/Every Other Day (EOD) 75mgs/Every Other Day (EOD) 25mgs/Day
    2 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day
    3 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day+50mgs of Benadryl
    4 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day
    5 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day+50mgs of Benadryl
    6 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 60mcgs/day
    7 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 60mcgs/day
    8 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day
    9 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day+50mgs of Benadryl
    10 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day
    11 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day
    12 75mgs/EOD 75mgs/EOD 25mgs/Day 60mcgs/day+50mgs of Benadryl


Great Cutting Cycle Products

Are You a Newbie?

Mouse over the cycle categories to learn more!

Beginners Cycles

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Beginners Cycles Are For

those who are just starting out with steroids and want to bulk up!
Click Here

Intermediate Cycles

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Bulking Cycles Are For

those who have used steroids in the past, and want to focus on adding muscle mass.
Click Here

Cutting Cycles

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Cutting Cycles are For

those who have used steroids in the past, and have the muscle they want. Now it's time to cut/get rid of all the fat.
Click Here