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Gold Deca-Dark 300mg/mL@12mL

Deconate 300mg/mL@12mL

Every 1ml contains 300mg of Nandrolone Decanoate in oil solution. Nandrolone Decanoate is used for physique- and performance-enhancing purposes by competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters. It is one of the most popular injectable AAS worldwide, and nandrolone esters have been said to be the most popular AAS used by bodybuilders and in sports. This is in part due to the high ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect of nandrolone and its weak propensity for androgenic and estrogenic side effects.

Gold Deca-Dark 300mg/mL@12mL


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Gold Deca-Dark 300mg/mL@12mL

SKU GD-I-03 Categories , ,


Gold Deca-Dark 300mg/mL@12mL

Deconate 300mg/mL@12mL

Every 1ml contains 300mg of Nandrolone Decanoate in oil solution. Nandrolone Decanoate is used for physique- and performance-enhancing purposes by competitive athletes, bodybuilders, and powerlifters. It is one of the most popular injectable AAS worldwide, and nandrolone esters have been said to be the most popular AAS used by bodybuilders and in sports. This is in part due to the high ratio of anabolic to androgenic effect of nandrolone and its weak propensity for androgenic and estrogenic side effects.

Nandrolone Decanoate is an androgen and anabolic steroid (AAS) medication which is used primarily in the treatment of anemias and wasting syndromes, as well as osteoporosis in menopausal women. It is given by injection into muscle or fat once every five or six days.

300-900mg once every five or six days.

Store in a dry, cool place. Protect from light and children.

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