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Letrozole 2.5mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”


Letrozole (Femara) and Arimidex are the two most popular aromatase inhibitors of the 3 major AIs, with Letrozole being the second most popular. Letrozole has demonstrated some very incredible efficiency in the reduction of Estrogen, more so than the other two major aromatase inhibitors. In comparison with the Arimidex, Letrozole has been found to be 10 – 20 times the strength of Arimidex, and although Letrozole doses are equally as effective as Aromasin, it operates through a different pathway in order to be highly effective in its own right. However, the context that an anabolic steroid using athlete or bodybuilder is slightly different from the medical and clinical application of Letrozole or any aromatase inhibitor, and this is what any anabolic steroid user is most concerned with: the proper Letrozole doses for Estrogen control, how to utilize Letrozole doses, and the different manners in which Letrozoleh doses can be used.

Letrozole 2.5mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”


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Letrozole 2.5mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”

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Letrozole 2.5mg/mL@60mL

Letrozole (Femara) and Arimidex are the two most popular aromatase inhibitors of the 3 major AIs, with Letrozole being the second most popular. Letrozole has demonstrated some very incredible efficiency in the reduction of Estrogen, more so than the other two major aromatase inhibitors. In comparison with the Arimidex, Letrozole has been found to be 10 – 20 times the strength of Arimidex, and although Letrozole doses are equally as effective as Aromasin, it operates through a different pathway in order to be highly effective in its own right. However, the context that an anabolic steroid using athlete or bodybuilder is slightly different from the medical and clinical application of Letrozole or any aromatase inhibitor, and this is what any anabolic steroid user is most concerned with: the proper Letrozole doses for Estrogen control, how to utilize Letrozole doses, and the different manners in which Letrozole dosage  can be used.

It must first be understood that Letrozole is an aromatase inhibitor, with a wide variety of application in terms of Estrogen control. As an aromatase inhibitor, it holds the ability to exert control over literally all of the potential Estrogenic side effects that anabolic steroid users attempt to avoid or eliminate. The standard protocol (or general rule) for the use of all aromatase inhibitors should be the following:

Attempt to avoid the use of aromatase inhibitors at all costs unless absolutely necessary. If the use of an aromatase inhibitor is necessary, utilize it only when required, and attempt the lowest possible dose for the purpose of Estrogen control rather than Estrogen elimination.

This is extremely important and must be remembered by all readers investigating the use of aromatase inhibitors. The fact of the matter is that the use of aromatase inhibitors, whether it be the three primary AIs (Arimidex, Aromasin, and Letrozole) or any others, will exert negative effects on the body if utilized when they are either unneeded, or when they are utilized too much at Letrozole doses that are too high.

Remember that the reason for the use of an aromatase inhibitor should at all times be for the purpose of Estrgen control rather than Estrogen elimination, as the complete and total reduction of all Estrogen levels in the body can and does result in deleterious effects on the human body. This will be further explained in the side effects portion of this profile, but a general description is that these compounds (aromatase inhibitors) deprive the body of a very important hormone (Estrogen) that is important for various essential bodily functions at normal physiological levels.

Letrozole Dosage During Anabolic Steroid Use

Letrozole in particular cannot be categorized into the three tiers of users (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) as normally outlined and listed in common profiles of the different compounds and drugs. This is due to the fact that Letrozole is an ancillary drug not particularly used for the purpose of performance enhancement, but instead is utilized to combat or mitigate various Estrogen-related side effects when aromatizable anabolic steroids are utilized.

In some instances, Letrozole doses might possibly also be utilized to increase the endogenous secretion of Testosterone in men, which allows this compound to be utilized as an ancillary medication during PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) phases following the end of an anabolic steroid cycle, but its use on its own for this purpose is not very common and is unlikely to produce noticeable performance enhancing effects. Letrozole’s use as an endogenous Testosterone stimulating agent will be further covered in detail shortly.

For the purpose of Estrogen control during a cycle: Letrozole is the most effective aromatase inhibitor utilized to reduce levels of circulating Estrogen in the body during a cycle involving the use of aromatizable androgens (anabolic steroids that have an affinity to bind to the aromatase enzyme and undergo aromatization into Estrogen). This has been outlined previously in the introduction. Letrozole doses for this purpose cover a very wide range, and how much Letrozole is required (and how often) is also largely dependent on the doses of aromatizable anabolic steroids used, the individual’s sensitivity to aromatase inhibitors, and the rate of aromatization of the anabolic steroids used. With this being said, the general range of Letrozole doses are approximately 1.25mg – 2.5mg daily. There does exist a very large margin for adjustment and user preference when it comes to Letrozole dosages, as each individual should slowly adjust their dose depending on how they feel the body is responding. This is especially so for Letrozole, which is the most powerful and potent AI of the three. Even 1.25mg daily is too much for many anabolic steroid users, and often times the recommended dose is actually 1.25mg every other day, and often can be even less frequent especially considering the half-life of Letrozole is that of 2 – 4 days. These Letrozole doses can easily be adjusted if the user feels it is not working well enough, or if it is reducing Estrogen levels too much.

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