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MaxGainBULL 300mg/mL@10mL
100mg/mL Drost. Prop.
100mg/mL Nandro. Phenyl.
100mg/mL Test. Prop.

MaxGainBULL 300mg/mL@10mL “MAX your GAINS”


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MaxGainBULL 300mg/mL@10mL “MAX your GAINS”


BATCH #: BL-I-011-123918 EXPIRATION = 12/28

MaxGainBull 300mg/mL

-100mg/ml Drostanolone Propionate
-100mg/ml Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
-100mg/ml Testosterone Propionate

MaxGainBULL will get you MAXIMUM gains. The muscle gains you will get from this hybrid is lean, that meas there is no water weight involved. The Nandorlone Pheylpropionate acts like Nandrolone Decanoate except without water retention . In other words you will gain the same as if you would with the “DECA” but with no water weight. Great for those whom just want to pack on a few muscle pounds in a short amount of time.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Concentrate (mg/mL or IU's)


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Country of Manufacture