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20mg Tamoxifen/ Nolvadex

TAMOXIFEN CITRATE is a nonsteroidal agent that has demonstrated potent antiestrogenic effects related to its ability to compete with estrogen for binding sites in target tissues. Tamoxifen citrate is an oral anti-estrogen and estrogen antagonist which competes with estrogen at the receptor sites reducing estrogenic expression. Tamoxifen citrate is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modular (SERM) acting via estrogen site competition as opposed to Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) drugs which prevent aromatase derived estrogens from being created.

OMEGA AlphaPheno Tamox/Nolvadex 20mg@30tabs


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OMEGA AlphaPheno Tamox/Nolvadex 20mg@30tabs

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OMEGA AlphaPheno 20mg@30tabs

20mg Tamoxifen/ Nolvadex

Pharmaceutical Name: Tamoxifen Citrate
Active Life: 5-7 days
Average Dose: 10-30 mg / day
Water Retention: No
Toxic to the liver: Low

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Nolvaxyl) is a subsequent cycle of steroids. The active ingredient is tamoxifen citrate.

Tamoxifen citrate is probably the most popular drug for aids male steroid users who want to avoid the effects estrogen? The use of anabolic steroids. Tamoxifen citrate binds to the estrogen receptor that blocks the action of hormones on target tissues and the achievement of an anti-estrogen.

Also noteworthy is the fact that tamoxifen citrate is an estrogen agonist in the liver and is able to mimic estrogen in this organ. At first glance you may wonder why this might be considered a good thing, but when you realize that the positive estrogen effects HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the liver of its value in this case is evident. As you know, steroids tend to suppress the levels of HDL and LDL levels significantly increase leading to increased cholesterol levels and cardiac risk. By adding tamoxifen citrate may therefore form a protective function in this case, although it certainly does not keep the liver from all the other dangers of the use of oral exams C-17 alpha alkylated.

Tamoxifen citrate is a selective modulator of estrogen receptor. Selective modulators of estrogen receptor can act as estrogen receptor agonists or antagonists. This activity of tamoxifen citrate is tissue selective, affecting estrogen receptors in the liver, breast, and? Bone. When the molecule of tamoxifen binds to this receptor, estrogen is blocked and can not have any influence, which in this tissue remaining inactive. Thus, an “anti-estrogenic” effect is achieved. The drug was developed and is still used to treat breast cancer. It is often used as first choice because of its mild compared with aromatase inhibitors. Of course you want to use the compound as smooth as possible when it comes to estrogen levels in women, but one could afford to be more aggressive in dealing with male strength athletes or bodybuilders.

As for its use in steroid users, Nolvaxyl can help in two ways. First, because the affinity of the compound that is capable of assisting in the prevention of gynecomastia. Tamoxifen citrate will compete with estrogen for estrogen receptors in some tissues, including breast, and If it can bind to estrogen receptors not have the opportunity to interact with the receptor and therefore the gynecomastia should not be able to develop. When the use of anabolic steroids can be converted to estradiol (estrogen) this protection against gynecomastia can be very valuable. However, it should be noted that tamoxifen citrate not eliminate the estrogen or not allow conversion to occur. Instead, attempts to counteract the effects of estrogen circulating in the body tissues the effects of drugs. Therefore, there is no evidence that the effects Nolvadex counteract the side effects are not related etrogenic tissues that are not in the breast, liver or bones. That is, there is no real causal connection to any reduction in water retention and acne on users who start taking tamoxifen citrate in relation to estrogen.

The second, and possibly more beneficial, the aspect of tamoxifen citrate for steroid users is its ability to increase production of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, and thus increasing testosterone. This ability is why it is often used by steroid users during post-treatment cycle. Numerous studies indicate that tamoxifen citrate may increase the levels of these hormones dramatically. Tamoxifen citrate does by blocking negative feedback inhibition caused by estrogen in the hypothalamus and pituitary, which in turn help to increase the production of these hormones. Unlike clomiphine citrate, tamoxifen citrate has also been shown to increase the responsiveness of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone gonadotropin. Clomiphine citrate may reduce this response time.

How does it work?

As for the dosage to fight gynecomastia that has begun to form, there is very little research. The limited research that exists points to the fact that doses of 20-40 mg per day are effective in treating the condition. However, users have reported anecdotes sometimes using doses of 60-80 mg per day. These doses may have more to do with the impatience of users rather than the need for higher doses, as no research indicates that doses are needed. Note also, however, that tamoxifen citrate may have no effect on existing gynecomastia in some individuals. Many users have indicated that the compound only help relieve symptoms if the gynocomstia has not been evident for a long period of time. Of course, all this is subjective and effectiveness of the drug can only be determined in a trial and error basis.

For use during the course of therapy users after Anecdotal evidence suggests that doses ranging from 20 to 40 mg per day is average. These doses have been shown to significantly increase levels of testosterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Most users have reported when using Nolvaxyl for post-cycle therapy is given medication for a minimum of three weeks. The maximum duration is not necessarily established because of the few side effects associated with the compound. In this case, this compound can be run during the time I wanted with little or no interest to be paid to potential side effects. See below for more details.

Some users have used tamoxifen citrate in order to help raise HDL (good) cholesterol levels. In theory, it is believed that since the compound is an estrogen agonist in the liver and therefore is able to activate the estrogen receptor and mimic the action of the hormone in the body that can help improve levels cholesterol to estrogen. However, this effect is rather mild and not significantly improve HDL levels a user in a sensitive manner at all. This is especially true when taking into account the dramatic effect that anabolic steroids more at these levels. For this reason, Nolvaxyl not be relied upon for this purpose.


One of the possible side effects associated with the use of tamoxifen citrate is the possible reduction in the levels of insulin-like growth factor. If these levels are reduced this could eliminate the benefits that a person can do something. Despite this reduction, if there really is not too significant muscle mass gain only marginally reduced for the most part.

Another effect of using Nolvaxyl may be impaired. Recently there has been some information from investigators indicates abnormalities in the cornea, retina and optic nerve in patients with the drug may be related to their use. Anecdotally a small number of steroid users have reported that they have suffered vision problems while using this drug as well. After discontinuation of the drug these symptoms seem to dissipate. However, there is simply not enough research on the subject to see if permanent damage may occur. More research is needed to carry out.

Apart from these concerns, there is little in the way Nolvaxyl prolonged use may cause damage to the human body. It is apparently safe in terms of possible effects on the body’s hormone production, apart from terms like growth factor insulin, and the endocrine system. For the vast majority of users of the compound is relatively free of side effects and is well tolerated.

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