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PropioBULL 100mg/mL@10mL
A testosterone classic ideal for cutting.
100mg/mL Testosterone Propionate at 10mL bottle

TestPropioBULL 100mg@10mL by BulldogLabs “JULY SPECIAL”


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TestPropioBULL 100mg@10mL by BulldogLabs “JULY SPECIAL”


BATCH #: BL-I-011-123918 EXPIRATION = 12/28

PropioBULL 100mg/mL@10mL
Pharmaceutical name: Testosterone Propionate

Active Life: 2-3 days
Average Dose: Men 100-300 mg/day

Testosterone Propionate is similar to enanthate, cypionate, and sustanon. However, compared to enanthate or cypionate, propionate is a much shorter ester and will release more quickly into the bloodstream. As a result of its short action, more frequent (daily) injections are required to prevent steroid blood levels from tapering down and becoming ineffective. An injection schedule of every third day is about the longest you would want to perform using propionate to achieve good results. For best results – daily injections are more suitable given the nature of this agent. If Testosterone propionate is the steroid of choice, ancillary drugs such as Nolvadex, Proviron and Arimidex are advised to have on hand during the cycle in case symptoms of gyno arise (or if you wish, you can run these drugs during the cycle for prevention).

Testosterone propionate has a short active life of 2-3 days. It has a short half life and is active in the system only a day after injection. Testosterone propionate is one of the components of the four testosterone ester blend Sustanon, and, along with Phenylpropionate, is the reason why more frequent injections are required with Sustanon (to take full advantage of all esters in the blend). Testosterone propionate has the same benefits of every other testosterone along with the advantage of being fast acting. Another advantage of Testosteron propionát when compared to other steroids is that the level of water retention and water based gains on cycle are lower when compared to counterparts such as Testosterone Enanthate or Testosterone Cypionate. The benefits of testosterone, such as improved muscle pumps can be seen very soon after propionate is administered due to its short half life and related length of activation.

As a short-lived oil based injectable, most will want to opt for doses of 100 – 300 mg every day to every other day. Those of a lighter stature seeking to use it for cutting purposes may want to make that every 2nd or 3rd day, or add Proviron as a precaution instead, 100 – 200 mg/day sufficing in most cases. The site of injection is best rotated each time, or problem can occur.

For bulking purposes one is best to stack testosterone with a base compound such as Deca Durabolin or Equipoise, and can addition Dianabol or Anadrol for 5 – 6 weeks, at the beginning, to kickstart the gains a bit. Most will choose for a more user-friendly, longer-acting testosterone for bulking purposes however. For cutting, the best and primary addition is that of Proviron, which will reduce if not stop estrogen build-up, increase muscle hardness and strength and allow for a higher free testosterone level. But naturally other compounds lend themselves quite well too. Base compounds such as Equipoise or Primobolan making a good match for longer stacks, and towards contest time steroids such as Anavar, Trenbolone or Winstrol make the best matches, as they too will help increase muscle hardness and decrease body-fat, while maintaining lean muscle mass. With testosterone, most any combination is possible. Because testosterone is always the stronger compound in a stack.

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Weight 1 kg
Concentrate (mg/mL or IU's)


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