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SustaBULL 350mg/mL@10mL
150mg/mL Testosterone Decanoate
60mg/mL Testosterone Phenylpropionate
80mg/mL Testosterone Propionate
60mg/mL Testosterone IsoCaproate

SustaMixBULL 350mg/mL@10mL by BulldogLabs “JULY SPECIAL”


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SustaMixBULL 350mg/mL@10mL by BulldogLabs “JULY SPECIAL”

SKU BL-I-024, Barcode: 1124 Categories , , , , ,


BATCH #: BL-I-011-123918 EXPIRATION = 12/28
BATCH #: BL-I-034-128314 EXPIRATION = 12/28

SustaBULL 350mg/mL@10mL
150 mg/mL Testosterone decanoate
60 mg/mL Testosterone phenylpropionate
80 mg/mL Testosterone propionate
60 mg/mL Test IsoCaproate

Active Life: Approx. 21 days
Average Dose: 250-1000 mg / week (men only)

MIX testosterone is essentially a mixture of testosterone propionate, testosterone phenylpropionate, testosterone decanoate isocaproate testosterone. The different proportions of esterified blends offer a different lifetime. This provides a sustained release of testosterone in the injected site. Sustanon is widely used to treat few medical conditions in Europe. The drug was useful for the treatment of infertility and administered once a month. Although Sustanon has been heavily promoted by athletes and bodybuilders as a drug of choice, a single formulation of testosterone enanthate or cypionate can do the same. The combination of esters is more suitable for the treatment of medical conditions and not for bodybuilders. One negative aspect is that MIX testosterone remains in the body for a very long time and can be easily detected in urine.

MIX testosterone has been widely used by bodybuilders in the past. Why is testosterone formula is preferred by some, not well understood. Some claim that there is less water retention and muscle building. However, like all products of testosterone, testosterone is converted to estrogen MIX in the body and can cause gynecomastia and water retention. To get rid of the builders of water is also used by many diuretic drugs.

Many bodybuilders use a combination of MIX testosterone, growth hormone or thyroxine during the stacking.

MIX testosterone daily for 4 weeks and then a wash removal is performed. During the washing phase, some athletes take clomiphene, tamoxifen or Arimidex. As the mixture of testosterone suppresses the hypothalamic pituitary gland, a profound suppression of testosterone synthesis in the body occurs. For this reason it is important to taper off the medication slowly. Are advised to take a 1-2 injections a month and then stop for a month. During the washing phase, a mild anabolic steroid can be used, or you can use the growth hormone / thyroxine.

Weight gain is gradual, but significant. Most builders can expect a weight gain of at least 15 to 25 lbs in 3.2 cycles (months). The other aspect of MIX testosterone has been observed is that it can significantly increase exercise endurance and provides spontaneous outbursts of energy. This has been related to its effect on red blood cells and increased oxygen carrying capacity. Others argue that Sustanon may also increase the recovery time after injury.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Concentrate (mg/mL or IU's)


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