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Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”

Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). It is often used as a post-cycle therapy drug or an anti-estrogen by bodybuilders and athletes. The steroid users will not be concerned about the specific side effects of using Tamoxifen as it is responsible for targeting certain body parts.

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) commonly used as a Post Cycle Therapy when any bodybuilder finishes running a steroid cycle. Nolvadex is sometimes referred to or categorized as an Estrogen antagonist. Its key responsibility is to negate the adverse effects of estrogen in your body.

However, as an estrogen agonist, Nolvadex works similarly to Estrogen works in the human body. Nolvadex is a brand name of Tamoxifen Citrate. Despite being used in the PCT cycle, Tamoxifen is also used to treat breast cancer. It works effectively by preventing the increase of estrogen levels that allows the spreading of cancer around the breast area.

Tamoxifen can also be popularly used combined with Clomid for PCT. However, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) consider more potent as compared to Clomid. But still, both drugs are sometimes stacked and used together with one another as a PCT cycle. They often work synergically and bring the best result to its user.

Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) for Gyno:

Gynecomastia is one of the common adverse effects of following anabolic steroids. Although it is not a dangerous disease, conversely, it can have devastating consequences for one’s self-esteem.

You know that gyno could be caused by steroids; therefore, the result will be the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen. The excess estrogen level in a male body promotes female characteristics like the increase in breast tissues.

Yes, that’s right, steroids can sometimes result in an increase in breasts in men.

In many cases, it was seen that gynecomastia simply results in males storing tiny lumps of fat above or around their nipples, or sometimes they experience puffy nipples. People often try to spread the false claim that this problem can be reversed by burning fat and toning your pectoral muscles.

What Are The Benefits Of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)?

Now that you have understood how Tamoxifen is advantageous in gyno. We will now see how beneficial it is if steroid users use it in a PCT cycle. Some of the expected benefits of using Tamoxifen are as follows:

  • Prevents Gynecomastia:
  • Restore Hormone
  • Easy To Consume
  • Stress Releaser
  • Prevent From Other Steroid related adverse effects

There are many other steroid-related side effects that Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) can help prevent.

  • Tamoxifen is advantageous in preventing acne on your face and body.
  • It is beneficial in maintaining your body’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Your skin will never become greasy.
  • No hair loss problem could occur during your PCT cycle.
  • You can possibly feel healthy and fit by using Tamoxifen in the steroid cycle.

Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) 20mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”


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Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) 20mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”

SKU BLL-O-21, Barcode: BLL-O-21 Categories , , ,


Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg/mL@60mL

Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM). It is often used as a post-cycle therapy drug or an anti-estrogen by bodybuilders and athletes. The steroid users will not be concerned about the specific side effects of using Tamoxifen as it is responsible for targeting certain body parts.

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