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Turinabol 50mg/mL@60mL

This is an oral steroid with great similarities in its chemical structure to the famous Dbol.

Tbol is derived from testosterone with some modifications which make it less androgenic in activity but still powerfully anabolic although it does not compare to the more potent anabolic steroids on the market when it comes to mass gains or bulking, and these are not the areas of common use or major benefit of Turinabol.

Turinabol 50mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”


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Turinabol 50mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”

SKU BLL-O-13, Barcode: BLL-O-13 Categories , ,


Turinabol 50mg/mL@60mL

What is Oral Turinabol?

This is an oral steroid with great similarities in its chemical structure to the famous Dbol.

Tbol is derived from testosterone with some modifications which make it less androgenic in activity but still powerfully anabolic although it does not compare to the more potent anabolic steroids on the market when it comes to mass gains or bulking, and these are not the areas of common use or major benefit of Turinabol.

Oral Turinabol Structure:

Increased endurance, stamina, strength and improved recovery are the hallmark properties of Turinabol. Clearly these effects are also of benefit to many bodybuilders from a performance enhancement perspective. But perhaps even more powerful is this steroid’s ability to help you get more out of other steroids you’re using.

For this reason Tbol should be seriously considered as an addition to a cycle for any steroid user regardless of goal. Whether serious mass gaining steroids are being used or those compounds used for cutting, Turinabol can add another dimension to a cycle that allows you to get much more out of your other steroids while keeping their doses lower.

Turinabol is of course an oral steroids and this does come with its downsides, most notably for its negative effects on the liver. For steroid users with experience in using hepatotoxic compounds, common sense precautions such as limiting cycle length will be at the front of mind.

But for users new to liver toxic oral steroids it is paramount that the risks are well understood so that the real risk of liver toxicity is minimized as much as possible while still allowing you to extract maximum benefit from the incredibly useful and effective steroid that is Turinabol.

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