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Fluoxymesterone 10mg/mL@60mL

Why is Halotestin used by athletes and bodybuilders?

Simple. For its performance-enhancing capabilities.

In fact, it has earned itself a strong reputation for being one of the most powerful, fast-acting steroids. So despite it being very much illegal, you will still hear about it in the gym.

Fluoxymesterone (Halo) 10mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”


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Fluoxymesterone (Halo) 10mg/mL@60mL “New SUPER Oral Liquid”

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Fluoxymesterone 10mg/mL@60mL

Why is Halotestin used by athletes and bodybuilders?

Simple. For its performance-enhancing capabilities.

In fact, it has earned itself a strong reputation for being one of the most powerful, fast-acting steroids. So despite it being very much illegal, you will still hear about it in the gym.

  1. Halotestin helps to increase hemoglobin and improve the structure and mass of red blood cells – this helps your muscles and tissue cells to benefit from higher levels of oxygen and nutrients, aiding their growth, development, and recovery from exercise.
  2. Improves your strength – tying into the point above, the more fuel/nutrients/oxygen your cells receive, the longer you will be able to work out. This helps maximize muscle development, helping you to get stronger.
  3. Increased energy levels – this can give you the push you need to keep working hard and training.
  4. Fat loss – during a cutting cycle, Halotestin can boost your fat burn and protect your body from muscle wastage; enabling you to look hardened, lean and chiseled.

Halotestin dosage and cycles

We’ve got to be honest here – whilst most anabolic steroids can be used for bulking AND cutting; Halotestin’s strength rests purely in cutting.

This isn’t because it’s bad or anything. It’s simply down to the fact that you can experience better Halotestin results by focusing on its fat burning capabilities.

Halotestin has proven itself – time and again – to prevent muscle wastage and encourage lean muscle mass development.

Is it a shame that it can’t add on mass? Sure. But if you’re competing at a professional level, then it is important that you can achieve the definition you need to shine. Halotestin cycles can help you to do that.

For optimum results, you should only use Halotestin for a short amount of time. 2-4 weeks max. AND you should only have it at the end of your cutting cycle.

Now, you’ll find some bodybuilders who’ll use it for the full 8 weeks. But, using it for more than 4 weeks could endanger your health and increase your risk of side effects.

In terms of actual dosage, 10-20mg per day is pretty common. However, if you’ve used it before and have previously experienced positive Halotestin results, then it is safe to increase your dosage to 30-40mg per day.

Just remember that you’ll have to split this dose in two (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) as the half-life for Halotestin (fluoxymesterone) is 6-9 hours. Also, it is best taken 30 minutes to 1 hour before you train.

Example of a Halotestin cycle: some bodybuilders take 20mg of Halotestin (per day) for 2-3 weeks, before completing their final week on a higher dosage of 40mg per day.

NOTE: NEVER take more than 40mg per day as it can cause stress to your liver. Similarly, if you miss a dose, take as soon as you remember, unless it is close to your next dose. If that is the case, skip the dose and resume your normal dosing schedule. NEVER double your dose.


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